I think that is an important thing to remember. It is kind of an equalizer. I guarantee that not a one of us have the right to shame or judge anyone else for anything. I do not care what it is.
What I have been thinking about these past few days through all of this is Jesus. Jesus loved. Jesus loved everyone. Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, it says, in Matthew 9.
Jesus was not concerned with labels. He did not care what others thought about Him. He was not saying He liked the way these people were living. But He loved them, ate with them, and showed them mercy just the same. I don't think that this means Jesus died only to forgive those who appear to be sinners, those who appear to be imperfect... It means all of us. We all mess up, we all fall short, none of us are "special" in that way.
Right now, I want to focus on one thing. And that is to love. Love everyone. I want to shine God's beautiful light and show the world that He loves each and every one of us. No matter what. There is always room for God's mercy, and His love. So stop hating someone because of how they have treated you, or may even be currently treating you. Do not hate anyone. Try to empathize and see from their point of view. All of us are struggling. Even the ones who look like they have it all together. So, for today, stick with love. Love as Jesus loves, and show the world that there is room for all of us in God's kingdom. That doesn't mean that every choice we make is perfect. Or every choice they make. It isn't up to us to make choices for someone else. It is something each and every one of us have to do for ourselves. I am almost positive though, that once you give it over to God, the right things will come in due time. I'm not saying every choice is going to be perfect. Of course not. God is perfect. His plan is perfect. His love is perfect. That is all that matters. Just show love to others as you would want to be shown love. That is the important stuff, people. Make everybody feel like a somebody.
34 But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:34-39
So, in conclusion... If any of you have anything on your heart, or if you just need someone to listen, I am always here. (And really, don't ever feel intimidated, I promise I am probably more intimidated by you than you are of me). Please don't ever give up on God's plan for you. Trust me, I know it is difficult sometimes. His plan outweighs all of these present struggles though. I pray we all focus on loving a little more each day.